Which is the $6 Maybelline Volum Express Mascara and which is the $30 YSL Singulier Mascara?? Both have one coat only.

- ease of application: The YSL was much smoother. It just glides on, while the Maybelline catches and clumps and requires more strokes to smooth out the clumps.
- Neither mascara flaked at all which was impressive.
- ease of removal: Both mascaras remove easily with makeup remover.
First of all-your lashes are so long!!!!
I can barely tell the difference between them, which is great!
I'm going to guess that the top pic is Maybelline and botton is YSL. Just a guess though, as they both look equally as good.
he top is the YSL
They actually both look good. My guess is the bottom is YSL?
I bet the top is Maybelline and the bottom is YSL!?
The top one looks thicker but the bottom one "cleaner" if that makes sense. I love my Cover Girl so I'll always root for the drugstore brand!
great little experiment !!
I think the top if Maybelline and the bottom is YSL. Very curious to know the answer and which you will use on a daily basis.
ok yeah you so don't need latisse! :) top is maybelline...clumpy...bottom is YSL...nice!
Whichever is which...I think I prefer the top! I like more "noticeable" lashes and that mascara makes them look thicker.
Don't know which one is which but the bottom looks gorgeous so wear that one every single day! FYI-your lashes are amazing!!! Xoxo
Okay, WOW. You're like an anti-Latisse advertisement. You have totally awesome lashes.
'Fess up. ;)
the bottom is ySL... right?
you have the most beautiful eyes girl! hope your having a great day! xoxo
#1 is Maybelline and so #2 is YSL!
I think #2 is YSL.
My guess is the bottom is the YSL. They both look great on you though :)
I love the bottom mascara!
You don't have a single wrinkle!!
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