Hello friends, I am still here! There has been a lot going on lately! Right now I am trying to figure out what the proper outfit is for a 9am charity committee meeting tomorrow morning. Unless I am at work, I usually would not be caught dead dressed in anything other than jammies at 9am. Charity committee-types seem to like to dress up, even though the meeting is only breakfast at the Chairwoman's home. I suppose I would look a bit odd if I showed up in my robe and fuzzy slippers??? Hmmm.....I just don't think I have 9am clothing in my closet! No Juicy tracksuits here!!! (blech)
I want to wear jeans. Jeans with a cute jacket and pair of shoes. But, the last time I dressed down for a meeting was a couple of years ago with this little group of young ladies that were starting a "Mommy's Club". There were about 6 of us with babies. I dressed casually for the breakfast meeting/get-together. The other Mommies had on heels, and black pants, with their hair done, and diamonds, and pearl necklaces!! They were a little fake and snobby (I thought), and I soon was disinvited to the Mommy group!! Well, they just changed the get-together day. The only days I couldn't meet were Tuesdays & Wednesdays----so they changed the meeting day from Fridays to Wednesdays! Ha! What can I say--they were not my type anyway! The girl who started the Mommy group was the new wife of a surgeon I work with. They divorced a few years later. At that time I wanted to tell him "I could have told you she wasn't very nice!!!" hee hee!
I hope the meeting tomorrow goes a little better. The chairwoman is a nice lady. Palm Beachers. We'll see! I'll let you know how it goes.
There has been a lot of other stuff going on lately, also. I'll fill you in on that later. We are fine, but it seems that every one of my friends is in some kind of serious crisis at the moment. :(
Oh gosh, some people are just too cool for school aren't they?! Good luck tomorrow morning. I know you will dress for the ocassion as you always do!
Ugh, why would anyone want to dress in heels and diamonds and such for a mommy club?? Pretentious? Yeah. I'm with you, jeans all the way.
I hope things get better for your friends. I would wear a little sweater dress with tights and boots, but that is here in the 39 degree weather. I know you'll wear something cute and perfect!
My first thought for 9 am ladies' attire was exactly what you thought - nice jeans, cute Chanel-y jacket, and dressy flats or a low heel.
Done-up hair and diamonds for a Mommy Club?!? Ridiculous.
Sending good wishes to your friends. Wouldn't it be nice for them & for us if they could politely have problems one at a time? ;-)
Ugh sounds like that wouldn't be a mommy club worth belonging to anyway! Ugh, wear your comfy gorgeous clothes that make you feel like a million.. jeans, flats, cute top.. coffee in hand, enough said xo
Definitely doesn't sound like a fun Mommy Club! I hate dressing dilemmas!
Sounds like a snobby mommy club that might fit in well with The Nanny Diaries. Their loss for changing the day on you. They clearly don't know what an awesome friendship they're missing. I hope your breakfast meeting goes well.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 'chilly' with some warmer weather later- why not wear some...let's see...um...well...umm....Lilly?? :) And i hear ya- I work for a bankruptcy attorney and we do work for more of the higher end crowd most of the time- either way- it is a sad, sad world right now.
So...what did you end up wearing. And what was with those mommies? My aunt used to have a saying..."If you could buy her for what she's worth and sell her for what she THINKS she's worth, you'd make a million dollars." Sounds like they might have been a little high on themselves.
I couldn't imagine anyone not wanting you in their group. That says a lot about the kind of "ladies" they were. ;)
I'm sure whatever outfit you chose was fabulous. Your 9 am outfit sounds a lot like mine. Unless, of course, I'm taking the boys to school. Then I add a trench, scarf and large sunglasses. ha.
have a great day!
Hi P
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You should go to those meetings in what you feel is appropriate what they wear is not.
If they uninvited you because of what you wore they have a serious problem. I was sitting in the parking lot of a shopping center in Boca. Several "Seniors" were walking into a restaurant for lunch dressed to the "nines" Not my style.
Last time I went to something like that I work Jeans, flats and a short sleeved little jacket (could have been dressed up or down). Several people had on dress pants, etc. but hostess was also in jeans! Good luck with your friends.
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