From left to right: The Brocks Rock, My Blonde Reality, Pretty In Pink Megan, Puttin on the Grits, Paisley & Pearls, Through Rose Colored Glasses, Just Dandy, and me!
The Dishy Decorator is in the middle below!

I simply love each and every one of these girls! They are the real deal, so genuine, funny, and just a delight to be around.
Oh, yes....and I learned a LOT this reminded me of that first overnight trip with my sorority sisters back at Loyola. Haha!
Below is a really bad video of all 10 of us crammed into one taxi on the ride to Shout. Good times!
What a fun trip with all of ya'll! I follow most of the others and now had to follow you too :)
Looks so fun! So jealous : )
this put the biggest smile on my face- so exciting that so many of you were all together in the same place all at one time :)
That's so funny! I had no idea you recorded in the taxi!
awwww...looks like y'all had such a great time! Love your pictures! Hope you have a great week! = )
Sneaky! I didn't know either :) It was so great to finally meet you and you truly are so sweet and kind in person! I am glad we were able to teach you some new vocabulary! hahaha!
How fun that you were all able to get together!
What lovely ladies! I'm so glad to hear that y'all had a wonderful time!!
Looks and Sounds like you had a fabulous time!!! What fun. I love how everyone is making such good friends with their blog buddies. I know I love the DC ladies and I will be friends with them forever.
Thanks for sharing! You look beautiful in your pics. Love the Chanel.
Aww so fun to see y'all in pics together! SO glad you had such an incredible time and enjoyed Atlanta!! :) What a neat trip :)
How fun!!!
I'm so glad you had a wonderful time! Those pictures are great!
Y'all are so beautiful!
Glad to hear you had a great time!
This looks like such a fun trip! I am glad you got to do it.
What a wonderful picture, you all look just beautiful, and it sounds like so much fun!
May you have a wonderful week Miss Petunia,
I really love the picture of the group. You all look amazing! Glad you had such a blast.
Btw, What sorority were you in at Loyola?
That looks like it was such a fun trip and so special!
Haha, too fun! I'm glad you had a wonderful time!
Oh what fun fun fun!!! Xoxo-BLC
i couldn't help but notice blond blond blond blond blond blond blond blond...brunette, and red! LOL
you guys are too cute :) and oh i want your chanel purse! it is a chanel isn't it?
are you wearing size 0 or 2 in pixie pants? i tried their twill minnie pants in size 00 and it was too loose around the upper thighs boo.
pants at look sooo good on those models; we all know they are pinned down by pins and needles. how can it be that their pants just look horrible on me?
i might just give pixie a try with your freeship code :)
This looked like so much fun! You deserved it!!!! You always seem to be doing so much for your daughter!!!
Oh, it looks like y'all had so much fun! I've followed some of those girls' blogs and tweets.
HOW FUN! You all are SO cute and obviously had a fabulous time! The blog world is amazing isn't it!!!
I keep wishing us Chicago girls would all get together but it seems to be a hard thing to do with everyone's schedule,etc. I think it's sometimes easier when you have to leave it all behind and make it a priority, so glad you all did that!
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