I just discovered Angie's Blog Bring The Rain today via Danielle at Well, That's Just Fabulous. Wow. First off, I think of myself as being more "spiritual" than overly religious, and my motto has always been "treat others as you would have them treat you".
Religious undertones notwithstanding, Angie's post
HERE was a great read. In fact I loved it. If you would only read one paragraph--read this:
"I have noticed a sad theme in many parts of the blog world, and it is disheartening to see people scrutinizing each other. Tearing down the good and building up the worst, endlessly searching for the thing that will make another person hurt. It's always the ones that are the most wounded who come searching, and what they find are others that are vulnerable. They all gather around and try to ignite a fire where God is at work."
If you want to get thousands of followers and hundreds of comments on one post (if that is your thing), then follow her lead. Or her technique. Whatever you call it. Get this--instead of a post bashing something or someone--she writes about how to just be a better person. And hundreds of people comment. Wow! Wouldn't the blog world be such a nice place if some people didn't feel it was cool to write mean or snarky posts just to get lots of comments? I think so. :)
I, too, have noticed a sad trend in the blog world as of late. Negative posts and negative comments. No, someone writing a post and publishing it on their blog is not "asking" for other people's mean comments. A blog is someone's personal space--their virtual home--on the web. I would not visit someone at their home and then insult them. So, why leave a negative comment? I don't get it. I'm not saying that all comments have to be in agreement with the post. If someone posts an outfit and asks what people honestly think about it, then I think it is okay to say "I think it doesn't do your figure justice", or something like that if that is your opinion. I'm not writing this because of anything that has been written or commented on here on my own blog, but I have seen it on others' blogs lately and it makes me feel....well, icky.
Oh, and while I'm venting---wanna know what irks me? People who judge other people. Like people who come over and have never read my blog before and immediately assume that they know what I am all about. Well, anyway it happened on a friend's blog today and the commenter said this (and more nonsense) about basically all of our blogs:
" It’s a world of entitlement and superficiality that is not to be believed. Bye, and thanks for the strange enlightenment."
Umm, no actually, strange commenter--you don't know our world--my world--at all. I work hard and I play hard. Once a long time ago when I started this blog I had a commenter tell me that I needed to get a life and maybe I should visit India so that I could help other people besides myself. This comment literally cracked me up. Hello??? I am a nurse--I help people all day long! My entire life and my husband's entire life revolves around caring for sick people with our home and cell phones ringing 24/7, and one of us getting up in the middle of the night because we are on call for surgery! Now, who looked like the moron after this comment? Me or the person who took time out of their miserable day to come over and leave a derogatory comment on a stranger's blog? This blog is about the fun part of my life--the not-so-serious part. And I'm not changing it.
In my picture search I happened upon
these t-shirts below and I think they're hysterical!