The beach was beautiful! We spent the entire vacation at the beach with occasional visits to the pool. My entire family from New Orleans convenes to spend this time together each summer. I put SPF 70 on our faces and sprayed SPF 50 on our bodies every morning! I'm still pretty pale but Lil Petunia got quite the savage tan. This happens every year--it doesn't matter that I reapply her sunscreen several times each day--she just naturally tans.

Oh! Lil Petunia learned how to surf! Many of the grandchildren took surfing lessons and had quite a fun time! Here she is with her instructor who is a professional surfer:

Here is one of my four sisters (& one brother) with her son. She came home with us for a few days of extra vacation:
Such beautiful photo's!!!
She looks like a pro surfer! What fun!
It looks gorgeous! I can't believe how white the sand is!
Go Lil Petunia! I love that she tried surfing-it is so hard!
Darling pictures! I believe you've got a little "Surfer Girl" on your hands ;-) xoxo
Just look at her up on that surf board- fabulous!
Those photos are really lovely looks like you had a great time.
What a great way to spend time together with your whole family. And good for you for SPF 70 & 50!
Little P looks so adorable in her surfing pic's. How fun! I'm glad to hear that you spent a wonderful vacation with your family. Florida is so beautiful!
Beautiful pics and family! Which beach is it? Perhaps I missed something?
oh yeah SPF is super important; i'm glad you take care of your and your family's skin!
btw i love that me too wedge sandals! it's a bit narrow in the front (my pinky toes get pinched) and it's a bit chunky on my skinnnny legs but i love it! :)
pretty pics! looks like a fun vacay!
Lil Petunia is not so little anymore maybe its time she's a minnie just like Lilly. They do grow up fast...too fast.
I'm so glad you had a nice time!
look at her surf :) how awesome. she's growing up so fast!
im glad yall enjoyed your vacay!
Such beautiful photos!
I've been seeing on my I-phone that the weather there is cloudy/rainy?? We'll be there soon and I'm so worried!
Thanks for posting these beautiful photos. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time...and go Little Petunia soon to be know as Surfer Petunia.
The photos are simply beautiful and the beach is absolutely gorgeous! I'm glad you had a nice vacation.
The photos are lovely ~ how fun that you all get away as a family each year.
These pics are just beautiful--lil Petunia is a cutie-petutie!
Beautiful photos. Lil P is adorable, as always.
How fun! Also, I'm incredibly jealous that Lil' P tans so easily. I'm destined to look like Casper...or a lobster.
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