J Crew:

J Crew:

I like the look of casually rolled up jeans as seen in the past few seasons' J Crew catalogs, but have never worn my jeans this way before. This is my new JC jacket and top -- with my old jeans:
Or do you prefer it the traditional way below??
Crew Girl in Canada recently asked a similar question and I'm still undecided about the rolled look, although the SA at my store does it and she always looks great (AND she's probably late 40's to 50's).
I think the rolled jeans are for a very very casual look, and unrolled is for a more polished look.
I agree with Purple Flowers. You, my dear, look just lovely and elegant both ways!
I like them both ways as well ... too cute!
And yes, we are in the same boat because the ortho told me yesterday that I will need bottom braces again as well ... sigh
You look great!
you look amazing (even w/o your pretty face) both ways- rolled is kinda fun for spring- rock it!
Love the jacket! http://isnotfashion.blogspot.com
Oh you look darling with them rolled up!! I think it is a great look! So jcrewchic ;-) I love that jacket!! Do you buy CrewCuts for Little P????
I still like the classy look of unrolled ~ just my 2 cents :)
I think this look is fantastic on your Petunia! It would be great for a casual afternoon then unroll the jeans for a dinner out!
I love the rolled jeans look - check out the Jack Wills almanac online and see how they ahve done it there with a tweed jacket and some cool shoes - loved it. Both looks with the jeans look great with those shoes you ahve on, and the jacket - but as someone else mentioned, I think it all dependd where you are going.
I think it looks cute!
First off I'm IN-LOVE with that jacket. And, am thinking I need to purchase it (especially after seeing how cute it is on you) for a First-Date on Monday (ahh). But as for the jeans. I think you can completely pull off the rolled jeans look but I think it also looks great the traditional way. One jacket - 2 great looks!!! xoxo
I think you look great both ways, and your Crocodile Jacket looks absolutely fabulous on you, too.
What part of Florida are you in?
I think they both look cute, but I'm more of a traditional jeans hanging down kinda girl.
You look so cute in both looks. I like them both... this is a tough one. I think the rolled jeans are cute for daytime or casual dinner. The un-rolled jeans are cute for a nicer dinner or evening.
you look adorable in both...i say down for night and up for day?
ps- it's official- i'm sick
went to lilly and picked up 2 more tunics today. ACK!
You look really cute in the croc cocktail jacket!
Wow, I'm just reading this today and I have to say -- this outfit looks amazing on you! I have yet to see anyone wear this jacket as well as you. Enjoy!
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