There is a pair of Sandhill Cranes that stops by our house to visit on rare occasions. They are always together and they are very gentle. The picture above is Lil P and my niece feeding them last summer.
Lil Petunia saw again them the other morning and went out to feed them.
Then word got around somehow and soon dozens of birds wanted to visit Lil P!!!
When there's food, they'll come. That's a nice photo of Lil P and the birds.
Oh I love that! The bay Sandhill Cranes are my favorite - so cute!
very pretty...do you know i'm still looking for my camera to take a pic of my bag? STILL!
oooh- always so special- my childhood home is in a nature preserve- I still get goosebumps when I see them when I'm home :)
PS- your new desk is in this month's Traditional Home- want to say page 130-something! check it out!
Ahh... that's so cute! Does Lil P feed them bread?
Great pic's...The cranes are beautiful.
The bottom photo is amazing!
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