My husband has done many many significant things in his life. He could write a book. I won't tell you everything
because I'd rather you buy the book when it comes out but he is a very thoughtful and selfless person. Since 2006 he has driven a
Prius hybrid just like the one above. He
loves the darn thing! (People chuckled at us back then when gas went up to $2.50/gallon. They all said "Oh, it's only temporary, gas prices will go back down!"--LOL) Buying a hybrid is not for everyone. Supposedly because they cost more than the same non-hybrid car, the average person driving 12,000 miles per year has to drive it for at least 7 years just to make what they saved in gas money even out with the higher price of the vehicle. Hubby drives about 30,000 miles each year, so he is the perfect customer. He watches his average mpg on the big screen on the front dash and enjoys pushing it to the limit. He was up to 65 mpg when he was first driving it just by adjusting the way he drives. Whenever I get in I "ruin" his average! I turn on the A/C and won't let him coast to stop lights because I think that the cars behind us must be getting annoyed. That's the cool thing about hubby. He does not give a hoot
what anyone else thinks about him and never has. Some people are just innately cool, and I swear he is one of them. Anyway, he is still getting 55 -60 mpg even carrying the 2 Petunias around with our requisite air-conditioning and fast driving. :-)
Very admirable choice in vehicle!
I won't be sharing what I drive after that :)
My hubby drives a hybrid also!
HI Petunia, How wonderful that your husband is going green. I hope more people will. I love the car, Best,Becs
Jo ~~ No judgement is passed over here! I know they're not for everyone. I don't drive one myself!
I love the way you feel about your hubby. So sweet. He's sounds amazing!
My husband only uses air conditioning when I'm with him, too. So funny.
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